We are shut down in isolation as the pandemic continues to spread throughout the world. Yet we are still receiving phone calls from people wishing to travel to the Lake District to hire bikes. These attempts are in direct contradiction to the government’s movement restrictions. The Lake District National Park is, in effect, closed to all but essential travel.
My family and I are very fortunate to be in the situation as to be able to get out on our bikes. We have been investigating and mapping new off road rides for MTB E-bikes and covering the Lakeland lanes on our Enigma titanium road bikes. Yet we know the virus is very close as my daughter Beth a nurse has been treating cases of COVID-19 in her hospital in Kendal. We all remain very vigilant and adhere to the government guidelines to try to bring this pandemic to an end. But the end is not in the immediate future and I cannot forsee the bikes being available for hire until the end of the summer.