Mondraker E-Bikes Due in 2021

by | Dec 4, 2020 | News

I feel a bit like Ryan Air ordering all their Boeing jets to upgrade their fleet. The new Mondraker E-bikes are ordered for delivery in March 2021, with three sizes available, small, medium, and large. Who on earth are Mondraker you probably ask yourself? The Spanish brand Mondraker are masters of Mountain Bike building and designing. Their bikes are tried and tested at the highest level, and have been regular winners at world championship level.

Mondraker bikes are built to give you immediate confidence to ride  what the local tracks and trails through at you. A key feature to this immediate feeling of confidence is the unique forward frame geometry. A very short stem and a longer wheel base offers incredible stability especially at speed down hill.

These Mondraker E- Bikes with their lighter more efficient Bosch Gen 4 motors coupled with the larger capacity 625 in frame battery are designed for your pleasure . The extra power boost available will enable you to cycle for longer, with more enjoyment as you discover the network of off road trail available in the Lake District.

Mondraker  E -bikes of this quality are not usually available to hire as they are “top of the range ” and therefore perfectly compliment our existing fleet of Road and off road hire bikes. Ride further, ride faster up and down hills, explore new longer routes, these Mondraker E-Bikes will take everything in their stride in 2021.

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